Specializing at food packing R&D&Production since from 1992.
plastic lunch box has spread like wildfire with its marvelous customer-driven quality. A strong reputation has been attained for the product with its superb quality validated and confirmed by many customers. At the same time, the product manufactured by TAISHAN CHANGJIANG PLASTIC PRODUCT CO., LTD is consistent in dimension and beautiful in appearance, both of which are its selling points.
Through LR brand, we continuously create new value for our customers. This has been achieved and is also our vision to the future. It is a promise to our customers, markets, and society ─ and also to ourselves. By engaging in process co-innovation with customers and society as a whole, we create value for a brighter tomorrow.
To achieve the promise of on-time delivery that we made on LR, we have seized every opportunity to improve our delivery efficiency. We focus on cultivating our logistics staff with a solid foundation of theories except for their being engaged in logistics transportation practice. We also choose the freight forwarding agent meticulously, to guarantee the cargo delivery to be delivered fast and safely.